About Us
關於 藝 述 行
Who are we?
ExpresSoul was established by a group of passionate Registered Arts Therapists, aiming to provide Expressive Arts Therapy service to the public, hence, to promote the use of arts in order to foster personal growth and holistic well-being.
藝述行 成立於2017年,由一班完成專業表達藝術治療訓練的治療師組成,希望能透過表達藝術 (包括視覺藝術、音樂、舞動、戲劇和創意寫作)和心理治療的方法,服務大眾。以多元藝術和心理治療理論,與來自不同背景的服務使用者同行。本中心的所有表達藝術治療師均受過專業的表達藝術治療訓練和實習,畢業於香港大學表達藝術治療碩士課程,合乎資格並已註冊為澳洲及紐西蘭藝術治療協會認可的藝術(表達藝術)治療師。
All therapists in ExpresSoul were trained in the Master of Expressive Arts Therapy program offered by the University of Hong Kong and were Registered Arts Therapists under the Australia and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association (ANZATA). All members were trained and had undergone practicum for more than 750 hours before professional registration and promised to provide service according to code of ethics of ANZATA.
At this moment, there is no recognized registration system for expressive arts therapist nor any legal requirement for a person to register in order to practice as an expressive arts therapist in Hong Kong. In general, an expressive art therapist is expected to complete training offered by credible institutes with supervised practicum.